jeudi 9 mai 2019

Seattle Puppy Classes; Key Reasons Why Your Little Pooch Needs Training

By Melissa Turner

If you are not new to pet parenting, chances are that you know too well about the challenges allied with taking your canine to the vet or the groomer. Dogs will in most cases not take pet care practices kindly, especially if they have historically been rewarded for being on their worst behavior. There are key reasons why puppyhood serves as the best time to get your pooch signed up for Seattle puppy classes.

It is better to start teaching a puppy for it get accustomed to maintaining good manners at an early age. Even though mature dogs are still teachable, puppies are like small children and the absorb information more rapidly as they get used to the world around them. It can be challenging to teach a canine how to drop a habit it has upheld for years without any repercussions.

Training instills good conduct and a skilled trainer will use consistency and positive reinforcement to ensure that your canine masters certain behaviors and actions. Among the standard commands taught during training include stay, lie down, sit and come. In addition, your pooch will learn acceptable conduct such as not to jump on you or your guests when you arrive.

Upholding pet care practices can be a nightmare when working with an untrained and ill-manner dog. These practices are important because they better the chances of your pet living a healthy, happy and long life. However, taking a pooch to the groomer can be challenging if it has serious aggression problems. Each year that goes by means that the dog will grow bigger in size and this will increase your risk of getting sued for personal injury.

Trained pets will remain calm during appointments. They will also play safely without harming other pets at the dog park. In addition, classes will ensure that handling your canine is not a challenge. All this will make it easier for you and your loved ones to connect with your furry family member.

Puppy training will not only be beneficial to your canine, but also to you. There are certain goals that will be nearly impossible to achieve if your pooch is not trained. During training, the bond and trust between you will be strengthened. You will also get to master how to use encouragement, praise and other rewards to successfully train different concepts at home.

Learning continues even after puppyhood. Normally, the first training sessions will merely set the foundation for continuing learning. Dogs that were trained during puppyhood have an easier time developing their skills further. They make better students because they can respond appropriately to different instructions.

Later in life, your doggy will be able to learn faster because it will have already mastered basic obedience training. You will therefore not need much assistance teaching your pooch how to remain still when raking a bath or even how to keep things civil with the cat. A reliable trainer can ascertain that you get assistance that is tailored to match your specific goals.

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