lundi 23 avril 2018

Implementation Of Lab Information System

By Kathleen Thompson

It is important to understand what is meant by lab information system. This is a software that is capable of storing and tracking clinical details of a patient during different visits to the health facilities. The figures are stored in a database to make it easy for retrieval when the need arises. This network has features that allow activities such as check in, order entry, specimen processing and others to be carried out.

Any improved technology has a notable difference to wherever it is applied. In the medical field, you will be forced to understand the essentials off the software that are provided for by the manufacturers. This will serve you a great deal, increasing efficiency and ruling out unnecessary coat for repeat tests. This in turn will effectively improve attendance to individuals.

The diagnosis of diseases is carried out in two main groups of testing procedures. They are clinical and anatomic pathology. Clinical pathology is the process of determining the effect or an ailment from the blood and other fluids and also analysis of individual cells. The sections included in this group include, blood banking, hematology, microbiology just to name a few.

On the other hand, anatomic pathology is involved in diagnosis from tissue structures as a whole which may involve autopsy and also from small structures. The specimen needed for this procedure are obtained from a well outlined method and they may also be many in numbers as compared from the one discussed above. The section involved is histopathology. There are evident differences between these two but the advance in technology is proving otherwise.

Having outlined the sections involved in this network, there are some benefits accrued to the use of this arrangement. Patients are always in and out of the health facilities. New records are kept to meet the demand. Due to the automation of the process it is possible to check in individuals quickly and be able to track and retrieve any data from the past that may exist if any for them.

Technicians can be overwhelmed by work and due to this they are prone to committing errors. The sample are very sensitive for every individual. To avoid a case of this nature, the specimen is analyzed by automated analyzers which collect the results via a micro-computer. This is an efficient way to manage the details of the tests and significantly reducing human errors.

There are other advantages that are evident. An efficient billing system is developed. Order management becomes easy. Errors that could arise due to poor handwriting by the medical practitioners are greatly reduced. Due to electronically performing the tasks, there is faster communication, evaluation and reliable data is generated. The aim of executing work in a digital platform is actualized.

To conclude, the whole configuration ensures less paper work while more is accomplished. The safety is ensured since access is only by authorized individuals. The particulars entered are validated thus improved data is given. Back up is provided to safe guard the statistics that have been stored. This highly enhances volume and capacity of that facility and instruments.

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