samedi 29 octobre 2016

Important Circumstances Occurred On The Battle Of Marathon

By Susan Perry

A battle can cause havoc, numerous horrible outcomes and nightmares especially to survivor. S. Some even go insane and totally loss their sanity. This also cause mental, emotional and even physical damages to anyone. Spoils of wars depicted the devastating truth of it.

Centuries ago, most civilizations settle their disputes by waging wars with each other. Perhaps one of the greatest and deadliest events that contributed to our history was the Battle of Marathon. Evidently, it was a pre war which occurred between Greek city states and the Persian empire. The victorious side was Greeks. Apparently, lots of happenings took place at that time. Check out more significant details and information about this event in the following paragraphs.

Under the reign of Darius I the Great, thousands of revolt occurred in the Persian Empire. Among the rebelling regions was Ionia. This place was originally settled by Greeks. When Ionian Rebellion occurred, Athens offered some help to the rebels. Eventually, the Army of Persians along with its massive armies, totally put an end to the Ionian rebellion.

There was a time that Emperior Darius along with some of his Persian generals was enraged mainly because of Greeks and the assistance they offered to the rebels. Although the help they provided seem less, the Persian continued to invade Greece just because of their hatred due to the aid they give. There were other despicable, infamous and horrifying experiences which troubled everyone.

Athenians army created a plan to completely blocked Persians simply by trapping and sealing off their paths. While the armies successfully hinder Persia, Greek leader General Miltiades, sent runners to Sparta and Plataea to asked for some help. Hence, the runner tale seemingly become basis for marathon runners. Even if Spartans were holding a religious festival, they still sent help.

This battle occurred around the year 490 BC. It was during the very first invasion of Persians to Greece. Athens citizens, aided by Plataea fought against the force of the enemy. This battle was basically because of the desire of then King, Darius I to subjugate Greece. Greek army defeated their enemy thus leading to the start of another famous event called as Greco Persian wars.

Morning of September 17, 490 when the Greeks stood on what they called the Marathons plain ready and very eager to end everything once and for all. In front were their enemies who was depicted as Persians willing to murder, commit heinous acts and completely annihilated everything. Behind the Greeks were their treasured loved ones, their cities and also their homes.

Various events happened that definitely plagued and cause nightmares to both sides. Needless to say, they were countless damages and high toll of deaths. Such battle even continued for a very long time until peace was formed. If ever you decided to read books, facts will surely be found.

If ever you find yourself highly interested in this thing, read some books or do your research. What is important is to read and understand something. With that, your knowledge about History might increase.

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