jeudi 3 décembre 2015

Distemper & Details From Assisi Animal Health

By Robin Setser

If there's one condition that seems to be the most serious, as far as dog health is concerned, distemper might come to mind first. Pet owners of canines should be mindful of this illness, since it can impact various breeds. Assisi Animal Health can say the same, but what's more important is that they can help you understand how to prevent this from occurring. To better understand what's involved, as a mindful pet owner, here's what you should know.

For the uninitiated, distemper is a type of viral condition that can impact a number of animals, dogs being the most prevalent. Distemper is spread through the air, as opposed to bite wounds and the like, and the condition itself can become worse over the course of time. In fact, it has been known to take the lives of puppies early on in their lives, and it can happen to older breeds as well. You should also be mindful of the most common symptoms related to it.

One of the symptoms in question is a watery discharge, which usually comes from the eyes and nose. This is often followed up by an increase in body temperature, which creates a fever that can go as high as 109 degrees. These are just a few examples of what distemper can cause, from a physical standpoint, and to say that it's uncomfortable would be putting matters lightly. Of course, there is a level of care that must be taken into account as well.

According to companies like Assisi Animal Health, distemper can be prevented by having your pet vaccinated early on. Make sure that you wait a month or so after the puppy is born to administer the vaccine in question, so that your pet will be of age for it. If you're curious about how this can be done, do not be afraid to contact your veterinarian. They will be able to help you in this respect, aiding your pet's health in the long term.

Without question, distemper is a serious matter, and anyone who prides themselves on being a loving pet owner should be mindful of how to reduce its risk. One of the ways to do this, as covered earlier, is with the use of a vaccination. A reputable veterinarian will be able to not only assess your pet's condition, but administer the aforementioned solution if need be. Even though distemper is serious, it's easy to see that it can be prevented.

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