vendredi 27 novembre 2015

Before You Choose An Office Cleaning Company Wilmington NC

By Marci Nielsen

Cost cutting and saving on support or back office operations has been the buzz word for the past decade. In fact many redundant tasks not just related to desk work can be outsourced. Building maintenance and upkeep can be outsourced or sub contracted to firms in the Wilmington NC area. If you are in the market for an office cleaning company Wilmington NC area then do read on for more information.

What most, if not all, outsourcing projects and moves target are tasks that have become redundant and time consuming. These kinds of tasks may include but not limited to processes that deal with benefits and payroll payments, deductions and stock inventories. They are backroom processes because no one really sees it being done, and this can also be said of cleaning and maintenance.

An entire department can actually be dissolved or dismantled when outsourcing certain redundant processes and functions. By totally eliminating redundant functions albeit also including redundant personnel, then greater savings can be had. By getting rid of a non revenue function and have it done by a third party, you no longer need to worry about hiring and training for such a position.

Some drawbacks may exist as well apart from the perceived benefits. It is possible that breakage and theft could happen if dealing with a less than reputable firm. Being vigilant at the start through proper screening and interviewing should pre empt any untoward incidences from happening. Also do due diligence before a final commitment to outsourcing or contracting.

An unseen disadvantage can be found in that the third party contractor is allowed to schedule cleaning times whenever they want. Unscrupulous providers will do scheduled cleaning on profitable hours where the pay is bigger and you have to foot the difference, such as the graveyard shift, Sundays and holidays. Be the one to to do the scheduling so that you will be less affected by this practice.

A tie in period is a clause that can be seen in some contracts but not so common. It is a cleanse in a contract that basically states that you keep availing of a service for a fixed period of time regardless of how unhappy or disappointed you are with the service that was provided. This clause basically is there to your disadvantage so it is best that one does not exist on the contract you will be about to sign.

Security in terms of business secrets and strategies are a also a concern when hiring third parties. Inform and instruct your staff not to leave confidential memos and correspondence lying around or even in wastebaskets for anyone to pick up. Always tell your personnel to shred or lock up confidential materials on cleaning days. Likewise identify with your contractor sensitive areas where they may not enter if no one is around.

Before placing your final signature on the dotted line, be aware of everything that has just been discussed in this article. By doing so it will pre empt any headaches and misfortunes you may have in the future with your third party cleaning provider.

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