lundi 15 juillet 2019

Suggestions For The Best Envirocycle Compost

By Margaret Olson

Gardeners often have a need for enhancing the soil they grow in. Environmental concerns about waste are high on most peoples' list of issues. Buying fertilizer and other soil enhancements can be expensive. Combining the environmental concern for waste and the need to improve soil quality creates a great opportunity to attack both by using a tumbler such as the Envirocycle compost tumbler. There are many different brands available and you can even make your own. Doing so will help save money and dispose of a large quantity of your household waste.

The tumbler is best stored in a dry space. If you have a garage or dry shed, those are the best places. A covered porch will work also if you can keep the rain from blowing onto the container. If none of these exist, use a tarp to keep it covered. It is crucial to keep moisture out of it to prevent the mixture from becoming unbalanced and ending up with just a soup when it is done composting.

You need to put everything in at once. If you don't have a container to use for food and organic scraps, you can use the device, but do not close the lid. The best solution is to have a place for the organic material and another for wood type materials. Dump them in at the same time to start the process. Using a couple of different kitchen trash cans is an inexpensive solution if you cannot have two tumblers side by side.

There are two types of material that you can add to the tumbler. The food scraps and other organic materials like grass clippings, coffee grounds, and others are called green waste. Paper towels, newspapers, and wood type materials are called brown waste. You can also put in used tea bags and other materials. Do not include plastics in the mix since it is not compostable.

Maintaining a balanced ratio is necessary for the mix to work best. There should be one green waste part to every three brown waste parts. Other mixtures can result in soupy material that is not suitable for the garden. You can tell when the mix is unbalanced by strong odors being emitted from the tumbler.

Most devices come with a hand crank. If there is not, you will need to turn the device manually. Most manufacturers recommend turning the crank one full turn. This does not flip the device completely over but instead turns it enough to mix the material and help with the process.

Pungent smells mean there is a problem. If you notice a strong ammonia smell, you need to add quite a bit more brown waste. If you notice a rotten egg smell it means there is too much moisture. Again, adding more brown waste should help with this problem. You will also want to be sure water is not getting into the device by checking the seals and that it can latch properly. Too much moisture can turn it into a bad soup mixture which won't do much for the garden.

For most mixes, it takes about two to ten weeks to complete the process. Remember to keep a second can or place to store food scraps if you only have one device. Once the first mix is complete, dump most of it out, keeping part as a starter for the next batch. Add in all the scraps at once and begin the process again. Though it may seem like a lot of work, you really have to pay attention to it once a day and it is much easier than turning a yard compost with a pitchfork.

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