dimanche 2 septembre 2018

Why You Need A Bed Bug Detection Dog Albany

By Nancy Long

The accuracy of a canine inspection usually depends on the canine's ability as well as the handler. Research has been done on the ability of dogs to detect bed bugs and the results are phenomenal. There has been about 98% accuracy in locating live bed bugs in hidden areas. The professional dogs can even detect the difference between live and viable bedbug eggs from dead bedbugs and their feces. A professional bed bug detection dog Albany is the surest way to effectively find bed bugs in the area.

You need this type of dog in your business profession. You have the option of hiring on a need basis or owning one for your business. The decision is yours to make. But in order to do decide, you need to understand the commitment involved in handling such a dog.

Such a professional dog is not a pet. This is the first thing you need to understand. You should treat it the same way the police or other security professionals treat their security dogs. These dogs are usually working and are treated as employees.

Your dog will need to be handled by a professionally trained bedbug dog handler. Not just any dog professional should handle such a dog. Most of the places that sell these dogs, can recommend a handler for you. Alternatively, they can offer you the training required to handle the dog on your own.

The cost of the dog does not only consist of the initial cost of purchasing the dog. One needs to factor in other costs associated with the dog. This can include the cost of continuous training for the dog, the cost of the handler and the overall maintenance of the dog.

You will need a continuous supply of live bed bugs with their viable eggs for the dog. This is part of the maintenance cost. You can raise your own bedbugs or collect them when you are in the field. There are some institutions that keep them for sale, you can also buy them from them.

There are several bodies that regulate canine inspections. This is done to maintain the standards of dog inspections and ensure the same results are guaranteed regardless of the dog used. They also try to improve the consistency and quality of the different types of inspections carried out by dogs.

There are areas that are difficult to inspect bedbugs visually. A bed bug detection dog comes in handy in such areas. These can include large offices, retail stores, theatres, libraries and even hospitals.

This, however, does not limit the need for visual inspections. To avoid false positive alerts from the dogs, it is best that the handlers confirm the presence by visually inspecting the area. If the bed bugs can still not be confirmed visually, continuous monitoring of the area can be carried out before treatment can be considered.

There are specific dogs that are preferred for bed bug detection. These are usually the small breeds such as beagles. The other dogs are not preferred as they can be frightening to clients and they also take a lot of space. Small dogs are easy to handle and even lift when you need high areas to be inspected.

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