samedi 1 septembre 2018

Talking About Grandparent Custody And Why

By Susan Snyder

This is about grandmothers and grandfathers fighting for the rights to either take their grandchildren in when the parents fail their marriage or to at least have the right to visit them. It might not be easy anymore since the laws have changed a lot. Back then they rely on the law that takes the child as the main priority and ensuring their safety. Now, they take the voice of the parents into account as well. This makes the older people have a lot more to carry when pursuing their visitation rights. Stick around as we talk more about it. This is Grandparent Custody Durham NC.

Let us say you have grandkids and you have determined their mom and dad are taking a trip down divorce town. They have been trying to get it done and it is affecting the kids. You want the right to take them in. So can you? Only if these so called parents will allow you. Else, they will even stop you from ever seeing these children again.

Only in certain situations will you get to keep the little fellas. Like if you have actually lived with them for more than a year. Or maybe their parents consent to it. Or if they have been labeled as unfit to be taking any children in at all. Most especially though, you may get the kids if their mom and dad have died.

You heard that there are certain cases that this might be easy. Like, if your son and his wife died, which is horrible to even think about because he is still your son. Then if they actually agree to it. Also if the proof was enough for the court. You were hoping for the last one because there is no way in hell you are letting your grandkids suffer anymore.

You will not just fight their parents on this. You will also have a pseudo war with other relatives. It is best to avoid this situation. Imagine the stress and trauma a fight like this would do to your kids. Worse comes to worst, not only will you not have them, you might even have traumatized them for causing this uproar, despite it not being your fault.

If the dad and the mom are in the middle of a divorce, they might limit your contact with your grandkids. Seeking to reestablish your visitation, you would need to settle any disputes first before taking some sort of legal action for it. Try talking to a third party and have them be a neutral standpoint for this. If nothing else works, then you may petition for an order of visiting.

Fortunately, a majority, if not all states, have formed a grandparent visitation action. You can get to see your grandchildren but there has to be orders. They will see if the time is fit for you to do that and you may need to specify the date and also some emergency circumstances.

On the other hand, some states do not even let that happen at all. Their law will not allow it because the parents call the shots. Unless you were ruining the relationship between parent and kid, maybe you can resolve something.

But, if everything works in your favor and you proved you are way better than the alternative, you can get the kids. Make sure the court sees your point. They will always prioritize kids more than anything.

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