lundi 25 décembre 2017

Spectacles & The Important Details A Long Island Advertising Agency Can Provide

By Paula Hess

Have you heard of the Spectacles from Snapchat? If not, these technological sunglasses are the aforementioned social media network's first foray into the tech market. The idea behind this gadget is that, while being worn, they can allow people to record and share video content to Snapchat in an instant. There's more to know about Spectacles than this, though, and there are many Long Island advertising agencies that can shed light upon.

According to the likes of fishbat, Snapchat made Spectacles available to the general public following limited availability beforehand. As a matter of fact, it wouldn't be uncommon to find them for a few hundred dollars online. However, as supply for these technological sunglasses grew, demand decreased. In fact, any Long Island advertising agency that has been following this story will tell you that there are still many unsold pairs of Spectacles on the market now.

It can't be said that the concept of Spectacles isn't unique, given its functionality. The idea of recording video at any location before uploading it to Snapchat, all without opening the app on your phone, is novel. One could also argue that Spectacles, in a different time, would be a quirky fashion accessory. Spectacles did well as a limited run project, but it's clear that traction slowed once the product was made more available.

What could have been done in order to make Spectacles a hotter project? It's difficult to say, mainly because this project seems to have a niche appeal. Could a lower price tag entice users? Maybe more awareness could have been generated by Snapchat to help make more people aware of the product in question. After all, if no one knows that a product exists, its sales will not live up to the potential it could reach.

The slow progress of Spectacles isn't indicative of Snapchat as a whole. As a matter of fact, many people still use this social channel to record and share videos with those they're connected with. More than anything else, the Spectacles situation shows that, at times, jumping into the hardware market can be a difficult task. Not every project sticks the landing and Spectacles is further proof of this. It's safe to assume that this piece of hardware will become a distant memory.

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