vendredi 22 septembre 2017

All About Stain Cedar Fence OK

By Harold Wood

Cedar wood is beautifully reddish and highly durable, resistant to insects and really attractive addition to any home. Of course, if you do not protect cedar wood outdoor surfaces, they will lose their appearance in time, becoming grey and unappealing. When you need to stain cedar fence OK home supply stores offer everything you might need for this job.

There is one really important thing you should know. Freshly installed fences should not be stained for the first two months or so. It doesn't matter if it rains in the meantime, the wood simply need some time to dry from within. So, after that period, you may wash it using water hose, and if there are any harder stains, remove them using a mild solution of a bleach and water. Remember to rinse it all out afterwards.

Choose transparent or semi-transparent, oil-based stains. Transparent ones contain less pigment and the beautiful reddish color of your fence will be more visible. On the other hand, semi-transparent ones contain more pigment and are more durable. You will need to re-apply semi-transparent coats only once every three years, while transparent ones might need it on yearly basis.

How much paint will you need depends on total surface, but also on the type of surface finishes. Smooth surfaces require less paint, and this might look as an advantage at first. But, textured finishes will soak up more paint and the wood will be far better protected. Besides, the paint will last longer this way, and it won't be necessary to re-apply it so often.

Combine a roller and a brush for applying the product. Start with your roller, and make things perfect using a brush. Some places are hard to reach using a roller, and brush might be really helpful. Read the instructions, to make sure it is allowed to apply the second coat at once. Some products require additional drying time between the coats.

Old fences might become grey and not so attractive. It's not so difficult to restore their previous appearance. A good pressure washer will do. You might have it in your garage already. If not, buy one or rent it in some home supply store. In any case, if you have a house with a yard, it might be a good idea to have such highly useful equipment of your own.

Pressure-wash the entire surface evenly, until its natural reddish color is restored. Leave it to dry for a while, and you will be ready to start applying the first coat. Apply it generously, using a roller, and making some small corrections with a brush, to make sure all surfaces are completely covered.

It's good to leave the first coat to dry before applying the second one. The first coat requires more material, especially when it comes to textured surfaces. After applying the second coat, the surfaces will be perfectly dry in about 72 hours, depending on the product used. This entire procedure should be done every one to five years.

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