vendredi 22 avril 2016

Discover More About Government Contract Award

By Peter Robinson

A contract is said to occur when two or more parties concur to do or not do something that they specify. The agreement they make is said to be legal therefore can be enforced by the law. For a contract to be termed as valid, it must have the following elements; capacity, consideration, offer, acceptance and the intention to enter into an agreement. A contract may be in implied, written or spoken forms. In connection to this, below is information to help people discover more about government contract award.

These contracts are grouped into various categories including; incentive contracts, labor-hour contracts, negotiated contracts, cost-reimbursement contracts, sealed bidding, fixed-price contracts, time-and-materials contracts and indefinite-delivery contracts. Three methods can be used for the public procurement which include prequalified tendering, limited tendering and open tendering.

Contract awarding methods by a government are normally regulated and prescribed by the constitution and they must at all time be followed. Competitive bidding or as most people refer to as open tendering is the most commonly used method by the government when projects that involve high expenditures like the construction of highways, roads and public buildings. Fraud and favoritism is highly prevented as this method ensures fairness prevails.

This contracting process involves steps like research and planning, invitation for bidding, submission of bids, oral presentations and then contract awarding. After the awarding is done, the winning bidder is always in regular communication with that government agency to set up meetings, deadlines and any other details that needs to communicated to as part of binding the relationship initiated which then includes sharing various details from both parties.

Strong relationships are built between the government and the company that is awarded the contract. These relationships built with them help the agency to build a very strong foundation for their business and this gives them a higher and good chance of having excellent performance. The companys value is also raised and hence it is highly considered by creditors when applying for corporate loans or in occasions when selling the agency.

Payments by a government to the agency that is awarded a contract are assured therefore the business generates income from this. There is a sense of security for any party entering into an agreement with them hence no doubts about the payments. When the agency adheres to the terms and conditions provided, it could have long term stability as these contracts may be for several years.

Entering into contract relationships with the government can help a company or business to modify and build their business strategies for the commercial sector. This can help the business to grow even more. It also helps in strengthening a companys client portfolio. This makes a company attractive to new and potential clients and doing good and quality work on these contracts can help boost this.

Finally, as a government may at times consider past performance in the criteria for selection of future contracts, it is important for the organization to do a wonderful job when given a job. Chances of them being selected again in the future hence are high. The benefits a company gains from these contracts include; strong client portfolios, better strategies, enhancement of stability, creation of helpful relationships, earning of income and a high value of the company among others.

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