lundi 16 avril 2018

Understanding Stem Cell Rejuvenation Therapy

By Steven Cook

The orthopedic medicine specialty has benefited from the newest technology and treatments in recent years. Procedures that were once invasive and painful are now relatively easy and fast thanks to innovations like laser technology and three-dimensional printing. Out of all of the advancements, the use of stem cell rejuvenation therapy stands out as one that perhaps has helped the most patients. You can decide if this treatment is right for you by learning what it is and what qualifications you are expected to meet as a patient.

When used correctly, this treatment has the ability to improve the way that you move and carry out everyday functions. It begins with your doctor taking a sample of your blood or bone marrow tissue from the hip bone. This sample is then put into a centrifuge machine that will separate the blood from the cells that are needed for the procedure.

Once the cells are removed from the marrow or blood sample, they are then combined with other ingredients like saline solution or steroids before they are injected directly into your body. The area where the doctor injects them will correlate with your impairment or illness. Some of the most common areas are the knees, ankles, shoulders, neck, and lower back.

To relieve your distress, the doctor doing the procedure may numb the area first with a gel or ointment. Once you are numb, you may then receive anywhere from one to three or four injections of cells combined with saline solution or steroid medication. You will stay in the operating room or doctor's office for an hour or less to make sure you do not have any complications to your recovery.

However, your total recovery depends significantly on you meeting the outlined patient criteria. To start, the ideal candidate for the injections should not be pregnant or breastfeeding. Women who are pregnant or nursing are generally encouraged to wait until after they have given birth or weaned their babies before going through the treatment.

Similarly, you cannot go through the treatment if you have an illness like diabetes or hemophilia because you could bleed uncontrollably and develop an infection or lose a lot of blood. High blood pressure that is not controlled and heart disease likewise may disqualify you from the procedure. You generally are expected to be in relatively good overall health.

This overall good health extends to your mental and emotional capacities as well. It is likely that you will be totally cured with the injections. You may notice rapid improvement in the range of motion you have as well as the amount of pain you experience each day. Still, you will continue to suffer from conditions like MS or osteoarthritis despite the procedure. Your physician will expect you to acknowledge this fact before approving you for treatment.

Even so, stem cell therapy might provide a way for you to regain your former youthful vigor and movement. You will be required to meet certain candidacy criteria weeks or months prior to the treatment. These qualifications ensure the best chances of your recovery with fewer complications.

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